our time on earth

AWX, I love you very much.

I made this a place for us to log the moments we spend together hiking, living and breathing on earth.
I hope we keep adding to this log for many years to come. 

Your best friend on earth,

our time on earth

AWX, I love you very much.

I made this a place for us to log the moments we spend together hiking, living and breathing on earth.
I hope we keep adding to this log for many years to come.

Your best friend on earth,

SHOW:  All  2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

Haleakalā National Park
Maui, Hawaii
Sun beating down on heavenly ground. Craters, hot sand, martian. Rocks of all the colors of the rainbow.
Filed under:
hiking, park

our time on earth ©2022